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CHI CHI Breed Standards


General Appearance: Reminiscent of a delicate deerlike prancing
pony, Chi-Chis should have an overall rectangular or square 
shape to their body, a nice tuck up to their belly, thin straight 
legs, and large upright ears. Their head is overall wedge shaped
with a rounded skull and a distinct stop. Their expression is
 alert,loving,and eager. They come in four varieties of coat 
and any color.
Size: Under 12 inches tall and weighing under 10 pounds. Usually 
closer to the 6 to 8 pound range but can be as small as 4 pounds 
when fully grown. Coat: Two varieties exist - powerpuff and 
hairless and two coat lengths - smooth or shorthair and longhair.
 For longhair puppies, both parents must have longhair genes in 
their pedigree. For hairless puppies one parent must be hairless. 
There is significant variance in the hairless coat. Most dogs
will have hair on their head, feet, and tail. It can also 
range to having hair covering their legs,hips and shoulders, 
and a line down their back. They may also have an almost
full coat, save for irregular patches. If hair goes higher 
than the lower legs or onto the back or shoulders or more, it is 
referred to as "hairy hairless". The minium or "true hairless" has
hair only on their head. The difference in coats can usually be
seen at birth. 
Color: Any color possible, although most generally have at least 
some white. Care Required: For smooth powderpuff coats a damp 
cloth and monthly bath. For long powderpuff coats a daily 
brushing. For any variety hairless their skin will need lotion
and sunscreen
and applied. Long hairless will also need their furnishings 
brushed daily. In cold weather consider a coat for smooth and 
hairless varieties. Character: Climbers. Goofy. Lazy. Very happy,
catlike. Excellent personality. Good with other animals and
children, though kids should be watched so they do not 
accidentally injure the Chi-Chi. 
Training: Considered an average dog in intelligence and though 
they have a desire to please they can take longer to housebreak.
 They are quite capable of learning tricks. 
Social Behavior: Very social and friendly (provided they have been 
socialized properly) with people and other animals. May attach to 
one or two people predominantly, but friendly with the entire 
family. Exercise: Most Chi-Chis can entertain themselves in
the house or yard so that an hour of play or a quick walk is 
Undesired traits: Weight over 10 pounds or under 3 pounds.
 "Bulging" eyes. Too short of legs when compared to body. 

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 Responsible Pet Ownership

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